Capacity Strengthening for Humanitarian Actors
The Work Stream 1 is a membership-based space for exchange and learning about how to make the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in humanitarian action and other similar guidance work and improve our fieldwork. Our members are technical, program advisors and/or focal points on Inclusion from international NGOs, UN agency focal as well as humanitarian coordinators or advisory from OPDs. Most of us are humanitarian agencies that do not specialise in disability, but have in common our respective organizations that want to become more disability-inclusive.
Other members, probably a third are disability-inclusion-focused organizations that also wish to improve their inclusiveness as well as share and collaborate with non-specialised actors. In the last 4 years, we came together regularly to develop, monitor and disseminate at an inter-agency level, a modular Training Package on ‘Introduction to disability in humanitarian action’. We used for our experience existing modules and addressed commonly felled gaps in the capacities of operational humanitarian actors.
Since 2023 we started to document and learn from existing good and promising practices by launching and implementing a global call for good and promising practices on disability-inclusive humanitarian action. We have just published the report of nineteen selected good and promising practices across the humanitarian sectors from 13 agencies across 14 countries, including OPDs. Our group hopes to contribute to networking around good and promising practices. Each of the practices lists its contact persons.
Join Work Stream 1 to contribute to our next discussion and help shape the future of inclusive humanitarian action.
Key Priorities in 2024 – 2025
- 1
Finalization of three in-depth case studies of best practices
- 2
Dissemination of learning materials & good and promising practices
- 3
Follow up on uptake of good & promising practices, as well as learning modules
- 4
Development of module 8 on quality data collection, use and analysis
- 5
Fundraising for next work ideas (2nd call for good and promising practices, translation of DRG Modules into further languages, etc.)
- 6
Establishment of learning exchange between members on use, adaptation and integration of learning modules as well as good & promising practices, as well as other topics requested in link with learning and capacity development
- 7
As part of the learning exchange production of briefs and/or how-to notes on discussed topics

Pauline Thivillier
Oxfam Novib

Sophie Allin
Humanity & Inclusion