Meezan, a 13 years old boy, in Kandahar in the Southern region of Afghanistan.

OPDs Participation and Leadership in Humanitarian Action

Work Stream 3 is committed to fostering effective partnerships and enhancing the participation and leadership of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in humanitarian action. This work stream serves as a vital platform for dialogue, learning, and advocacy, aiming to strengthen the influence and capabilities of OPDs in shaping humanitarian policies and practices.


Join Work Stream 3 to contribute to our next discussion and help shape the future of inclusive humanitarian action.

Key Priorities in 2024 – 2025

  • 1

    Agree on critical topics for bi-monthly/ quarterly meetings to advance dialogues between OPDs and humanitarian actors, with a focus on localization and AAP.

  • 2

    Synthesize learning on the topics agreed to produce learning/advocacy briefs or tip sheets depending on the outcome of discussions/ relevance to issues agreed. Share learnings in key events such as COSP and HNPW

  • 3

    Pursue funding opportunities for 3 Bridge Article 11 trainings for OPDs and humanitarian actors in Latin America, Anglophone Africa countries and South East Asia


Kathy Al Jubeh

CBM Global

Profile photo of Alradi Abdalla
Alradi Abdalla

International Disability Alliance