Photo of a group of people at a project site in Haiti. One of them in the centre is a wheelchair user along with some project workers and one person who is an amputee.

Supporting coordination of disability inclusion in humanitarian action

This work stream aims to provide a global platform to support mechanisms in place at country level to coordinate disability inclusion in humanitarian action. These mechanisms often take the form of working groups bringing together local OPDs, NGOs and UN entities to work together on strengthening disability inclusion in the response.


Share with us your views on how the DRG can best act as a platform to support coordination of disability inclusion in humanitarian response.

Key Priorities in 2024 – 2025

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    Work stream 4 is a new area for work for the DRG and still under development

Profile photo of Kirsten Lange
Kirstin Lange

Programme Specialist (Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action) at UNICEF

Logo of Unicef on a light blue background with the subtitle: for every child
Photo of Ulrike LAST

Ulrike Last

Policy & Development Lead, Inclusive Humanitarian Action, Governance and Protection at Humanity & Inclusion

humanity & inclusion logo
Profile photo of Alradi Abdalla
Alradi Abdalla

Technical Advisor at the International Disability Alliance

The International Disability Alliance Logo